Presentation Content and Links
Presentations offered by Skyworks Mobile Planetarium have evolved over many years. Teacher feedback and Curriculum links underpin the highly relevant content.
Central to all presentations is the awe-inspiring, realistic night sky projected around the audience. This powerful environment captivates and inspires. More importantly, learning is enhanced by demystifying concepts that may otherwise be considered abstract.
Concepts such as night and day, rotation and orbits are demonstrated in a practical way that is often difficult to convey in a regular classroom setting. These basic concepts are extended upon with age appropriate insights into moon phases, stars and planets, constellations and more.
Presentations have been thoughtfully linked to the NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum. Skyworks Planetarium has always been relevant and continues to be the most popular resource to reinforce the "Earth and Space" topic.
Specific content links have been prepared and are available for download in pdf form below. Please feel free to contact Geoff to discuss any aspect of the content.
Click on the icons below to access PDF documents.